Sunday 3 November 2013

BACK TO SCHOOL: time for hilarious photos

Hi - it's me again.
Yes, I know, I have no life and Niamh obviously does because her posts are actually interesting.

Wow, you're rather rude.
I mean, you could think that, but not say it.

Tomorrow is OFFICIALLY BACK TO SCHOOL DAY. Well, it's not the actual back to school day, because, well, that was like a whole half term ago, but it IS the return of school days after a week-long break.

So, since we're all probably feeling a bit..I don't know...deflated/horrified/depressed/sad/stressed/etc, I thought I'd post a few school-related funny photos (y'know, those ones you spend your time hunting for on Tumblr).

Sorry for the photo-heavy post, but ENJOY!


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